One of my favourite elective modules was Designing Interventions for Behavioural Change, in which we learnt about design psychology and how to actually affect the user’s behaviour with our designs.
For our final project, my team designed a very simple intervention to encourage donation to social justice causes through Instagram. The idea is to create a short moment of reflection by changing an element that is now ingrained into our brains, the double tap or ‘like’ icon.
MEng Design Engineering
UI/UX Design, Design Psychology
Adobe Photoshop
UI/UX Design
To create this concept, we conducted observation of users utilising social media. We noticed that people often mindlessly scroll and ‘like’ posts without really taking in their content, especially those with text. To encourage a moment of reflection, our proposal changes the heart shaped icon to a donation icon when the user double taps on a social justice post. This not only indicates the subject of the post, but disrupts the user’s routine. The intervention could also be set up to take the user to a donation page once they tap on the donation icon.
Below is a video of the prototype that we made for user testing.